
Here you can find the instructions for GREEN DEAL in different languages. Click on the language to download the rules.

GREEN DEAL Kartenspiel Cannabis Card Game Spielszene

1. Your turn

First put your GREEN pairs in front of you.

Example: 2 x Lemonade

Congratulations you're now in the GREEN BUSINESS. For each pair you'll get one point once a DEAL is drawn.

GREEN DEAL Kartenspiel Cannabis Card Game Spielszene Interaktion

2. Interact

Now is the time to make "frenemies". You can attack your fellow players, destroy their BUSINESS or take it over. Send Donut-Cops, Aliens and Thieves. Beware a skunk rarely comes alone.

GREEN DEAL Kartenspiel Cannabis Card Game Spielszene Zug beenden

3. End your turn

To end your turn draw a new card.

GREEN DEAL Kartenspiel Cannabis Card Game Spielszene Deal


Within the game there are 4 DEALS hidden, as soon as a DEAL is drawn show it face up. Every player in BUSINESS receives 1 point per matching pair.

How to play
